Workforce Partners

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How Apprenticeship Colorado Partners with the Workforce System

Apprenticeship Colorado partners with workforce centers across Colorado to support Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) by:  

  • Supporting diverse hiring and recruitment
  • Offering funding and services to eligible apprentices to support their access and completion
  • And supporting employers through a wide variety of business services
How the Apprenticeship Hub Partners with Local Areas

The Colorado Apprenticeship Hub is a collaboration between the statewide workforce center system and Apprenticeship Colorado at the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment. 

As a commitment to apprenticeship expansion in the state, the Colorado Apprenticeship Hub has Apprenticeship Consultants to coordinate apprenticeship services across regions.

Apprenticeship Consultants are available to assist with:

  • Serving as the point of contact and connecting programs to their local workforce center for services
  • Creating tools and processes with workforce centers to help the registered apprenticeship system in Colorado increase the capacity to serve both businesses and apprentices
  • Coordinate regional activities with Navigators and local area staff to support RAP hiring and recruitment, apprentices with funding supports, connect RAPs to workforce services, and identify and refer businesses interested in registered apprenticeship 


Apprenticeship Consultants

Apprenticeship Consultants: Apprenticeship Consultants will help make sure business services and career services representatives across the state understand how to talk about apprenticeships with employers and job seekers.  Consultants work with local area staff to make sure employers, jobseekers, and Sponsors experience with workforce is smooth and encourages continued partnership.

Arapahoe/Douglas, Adams, Jefferson

Kat Plaza

Contact: kplaza@arapahoegov.com

Broomfield, Boulder, Larimer, Weld, Eastern Sub

Nancy Murray

Contact: nmurray@arapahoegov.com


Casey Coghlan

Contact: ccoghlan@arapahoegov.com

Mesa, Northwest Sub, Western Sub, Rural Resort Sub


Contact: BRosenberg@arapahoegov.com

El Paso, Pueblo, Southwest Sub, South Central Sub, Upper Arkansas Sub, Southeast Sub

Carter Hill

Contact: chill@arapahoegov.com


Apprenticeship Navigators

Apprenticeship Navigators: Apprenticeship Navigators are responsible for serving as the expert in career service delivery , implementing regional-based outreach and engagement strategies, and working collaboratively with Consultants and local staff members to support RAP hiring and recruitment.

Adams County

Noelle Glasser

Contact: nglasser@adcogov.org 

Arapahoe/Douglas County

Aracely Escalante

Contact: aescalante@arapahoegov.com

Boulder County

Sophia Stephens

Contact: sstephens@bouldercounty.org

Colorado Workforce Consortium


Denver County

James Roina

Contact: james.roina@denvergov.org

Bret Walker

Contact: bret.walker@denvergov.org

El Paso/Teller Counties

Orathai Corey

Contact: OrathaiCorey@elpasoco.com

Jefferson, Clear Creek, & Gilpin Counties

Stephanie Betancourt

Contact: sbetanco@co.jefferson.co.us

Larimer County

Andrew Minor

Contact: aminor@larimer.org

Mesa County

Karen Sightler

Contact: karen.sightler@mesacounty.us

Weld County

Jessica Norris

Contact: jnorris@weld.gov

Apprenticeship Resources for Business & Career Services Professionals

Resources for Business Services

Business service professionals and the Apprenticeship Colorado Team support before, during, and after a program is launched. Here are some resources to understand the business services role in apprenticeship, how business services connect to apprenticeship, and what resources are available for employers.

Resources for Career Services 

Career service professionals support career seekers to understand, find and be successful in apprenticeship. Here are some resources to understand the career services role in apprenticeship, how career services professionals can help job seekers determine if apprenticeships are a good fit for them, and what resources are available to support job seekers in their search.

  • A Guide to Apprenticeships for Partners: The go-to resource to provide guidance on registered apprenticeship for our valued partners who work with career seekers. Partners should use this guide to understand registered apprenticeship and how to connect career seekers to Apprenticeship opportunities in Colorado.
  • Colorado Apprenticeship Resource Directory: A comprehensive resource list of RAPs developed by Apprenticeship Colorado and enacted by Senate Bill 19-171. Career coaches should use this as a reference, it does not indicate whether or not the program is actively accepting applications. 
    • Apprenticeship Directory Desk Aid: Guide for career services professionals working with students and job seekers on how to use the Directory to learn about existing Programs.
  • Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL): Resource to indicate programs authorized to pay for individual training accounts (ITAs) for WIOA Title I Adults and Dislocated Workers in Colorado. RAPs are pre-approved to be on the ETPL and have streamlined reporting requirements. Pre-apprenticeships, unregistered collegiate and youth apprenticeships, and industry-recognized apprenticeship programs (IRAPS) are approved through standard procedures. 
  • Funding Streams Desk Aid for WFC Staff: Up-to-date information on apprenticeship funding through workforce centers.
  • CWDC Work-based Learning Resources and Funding: Compiled semi-annually, information on work-based learning resources and funding available through various agencies/government partners.