Colorado is now a State Apprenticeship Agency. What Does that Mean?
Effective July 1, 2023, Apprenticeship Colorado at the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment is the Registration Agency for Federal purposes in the state of Colorado. Apprenticeship Colorado is also referred to as the State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA). Read the Office of Apprenticeship Bulletin recognizing Colorado as a new State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA).
The Colorado State Apprenticeship Agency’s role and responsibilities expand and/or change in the following ways:
- Apprenticeship Colorado is recognized by the Office of Apprenticeship to act on behalf of the US Department of Labor (USDOL) to register and oversee programs in Colorado for Federal purposes;
- Apprenticeship Colorado staff serve as primary points of contact for registered apprenticeship Sponsors, employers, and apprentices in Colorado;
- Apprenticeship Colorado may modify DOL-issued forms to satisfy State requirements; and
- Apprenticeship Colorado will continue the utilization of the Registered Apprenticeship Partner Information Database System (RAPIDS) for capturing and storing apprenticeship data.
What Do Current Sponsors of Registered Apprenticeship Programs Need to Do?
- Information to Review
- Colorado State Apprenticeship Agency Rules: The adopted rules in the Code of Colorado Regulations (Colorado State Apprenticeship Agency Rules 7 CCR 1108-1) that govern Registered Apprenticeship Programs in Colorado.
- Apprenticeship Sponsor Reference Guide: The go-to resource to help RAP Sponsors and their partners implement Program Standards. The Guide also includes information on outreach, hiring, program administration, and other tools to support your program's success.
- Colorado Requirements for Apprenticeship Sponsors: An overview of the requirements to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations as Colorado transitions to an SAA for existing Sponsors of Registered Apprenticeship Programs in Colorado.
- RAPIDS Sponsor Video: RAPIDS will remain the administrative system for the SAA. Sponsors are encouraged to review the 20-minute USDOL RAPIDS Sponsor Video. Please see the Sponsor Reference Guide for more information on what functions program Sponsors can directly manage in RAPIDS.
- Sponsor Required Actions
- Revise Apprenticeship Program Standards: Every Sponsor registered in Colorado before 7/1/23 is required to update their Standards and appendices to reflect state regulations and branding. Sponsors can choose to update their Appendices in addition to the required updates. All Sponsors registered in Colorado before 7/1/23 are required to update their Standards on file with Apprenticeship Colorado by 6/30/25.
- Visit the Standards Revisions page to get more detailed information on technical assistance training and resources to assist Sponsors with revising their Program Standards.
- Complete an Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) (if applicable): Every Sponsor with 5 or more apprentices is required to have an Affirmative Action Plan on file with Apprenticeship Colorado as a part of their Equal Employment Opportunities responsibilities. All applicable Sponsors registered before 7/1/23 are required to have a completed Appendix C: Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) on file with Apprenticeship Colorado by 6/30/25.
- Confirm Information in RAPIDS:
- Review and update the Point of Contact information (if necessary) in RAPIDS.
- Confirm a copy of my Standards is on file with the SAA. Sponsors can confirm that Apprenticeship Colorado has a copy by logging into RAPIDS and viewing “Documents”.
- Update Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) poster and materials: Sponsors will take all steps to remain in compliance with EEO in Apprenticeship and will display the updated EEO posters in accordance with state regulations and update any documents associated with EEO with the information below:
- Colorado Department of Labor and Employment
Attention: State Apprenticeship Agency Director
Office of the Future of Work
633 17th St., Suite 201, Denver, CO 80202
- Colorado Department of Labor and Employment
- Revise Apprenticeship Program Standards: Every Sponsor registered in Colorado before 7/1/23 is required to update their Standards and appendices to reflect state regulations and branding. Sponsors can choose to update their Appendices in addition to the required updates. All Sponsors registered in Colorado before 7/1/23 are required to update their Standards on file with Apprenticeship Colorado by 6/30/25.
- Sponsor Ongoing Activities
This is not an all-inclusive list of responsibilities, but highlights key areas that require attention from Sponsors. For the complete list of responsibilities please refer to the Colorado Regulations for Apprenticeship and the Sponsor Reference Guide.
RAPIDS Administration- RAPIDS will continue to be the primary source of recordkeeping.
- Apprentice information must be entered into RAPIDS within 45 days of program start date (regardless of whether related instruction or on-the-job learning begins first).
- Apprentices must be completed, transferred, or suspended in RAPIDS and Apprentice Program Completion Certificates are issued in a timely manner.
- Multi-employer agreements and employer information must be up-to-date in RAPIDS.
Work Process Schedule and Related Instruction Outline (Appendix A)- Programs must operate in alignment with the Standards outlined in Appendix A as it relates to the approach and term of apprenticeship, journeyworker ratio, apprentice wage schedule, probationary period, credit for prior experience, and selection procedures.
- Sponsors can revise these Standards if they are not consistent with the training.
Apprentice Agreement (Appendix B)- Apprentices must be under agreement (regardless of whether related instruction or on-the-job learning begins first) within 45 days of program start date.
- RAPIDS will begin issuing a Colorado Apprenticeship Agreement which is similar to the ETA 671, but incorporates state law and regulations. The Colorado Apprenticeship Agreement is the preferred state agreement. Programs have the option to use an alternative agreement if in conformity with federal and state law and approved by the SAA. Regardless of the form, all programs operating in Colorado are required to comply with state and federal law.
Employer Agreements (Appendix D) or Collective Bargaining Agreement
- (If multi-employer program) Per federal and state regulations, employer partners must sign onto Apprenticeship Standards using Appendix D or if applicable, a Collective Bargaining Agreement. Employers who are already party to Standards do not need to re-sign Appendix D if the terms of the Employer Agreement are consistent. Sponsors must provide a copy of the finalized Standards (with all appendices) to employer partners once fully executed.
- (If multi-employer program) Sponsors are responsible for ensuring that all employers are in RAPIDS and that a copy of the final Standards is shared with all participating employers.
What is Unique About the Colorado State Apprenticeship Agency?
- Colorado has its own Version of Apprenticeship Standards and Appendices
Colorado has its own set of Boilerplate Standards and Appendices, that align closely with the federal Standards but populate our agency information and incorporate references to our state regulations.
All Sponsors of Registered Apprenticeship Programs in Colorado registered before 7/1/2023 are required to update their Apprenticeship Standards on file with the Colorado State Apprenticeship Agency by 6/30/2025.
- Updated the Apprenticeship Agreement
The Colorado Apprenticeship Agreement contains the following information that deviates from the federal ETA 671 to be more inclusive of under-represented Coloradans and to align with Colorado state law:
Under the Social Security Number field, the option to include an Individual Tax ID or other unique identifier (e.g. Work Authorization Number).
Under Sex, to align with updated EEOC categories, option for apprentices to identify as non-binary.
The clarification in Notes indicating: The U.S. Department of Labor agrees not to share or use any personally identifiable information collected through this form for the purpose of investigating for, participating in, cooperating with, or assisting with Federal immigration enforcement.
The explanatory text referencing the inclusion of the ITIN as indicated in state regulations: *The Apprenticeship Agreement must contain, explicitly or by reference: A Social Security number, Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, or other unique identifier of the apprentice, unless a state policy or established agreement with the SAA protects the inclusion of such a field. Failure to disclose an apprentice’s social security number on this form will not affect the right to be registered as an apprentice.
The Colorado Apprenticeship Agreements will be generated from RAPIDS for programs registered in Colorado. National programs operating in Colorado may continue to use the ETA 671, but should work with Apprenticeship Colorado to understand these policies.
- Updated Affirmative Action Plans
To align with the state law, Colorado’s updated Affirmative Action Plan (Appendix C) template incorporates:
- Sponsor option to specific targeted outreach, recruitment, and retention strategies in partnership with Colorado workforce and education partners (AAP Section VI: Targeted Outreach, Recruitment, and Retention Activities)
- Sponsor option to specific targeted outreach, recruitment, and retention strategies in partnership with Colorado workforce and education partners (AAP Section VI: Targeted Outreach, Recruitment, and Retention Activities)
- Update to Additional Protected Classes
Colorado Apprenticeship regulations include the additional protected classes covered in the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act, C.R.S. § 24-34-402. These include: creed, gender identity, gender expression, ancestry, pregnancy, childbirth, and related conditions. The SAA will apply the same standards, defenses, and exceptions for discrimination for these classes.
What Kind of Support Sponsors Can Expect from Apprenticeship Colorado?
- Staff Support from Apprenticeship Colorado
- The Program Development Team can help Sponsors navigate any program development or expansion questions, such as how and when to add new occupations or employers to their existing program. They are also the point of contact for Sponsors needing to make revisions to their Program Standards. Request assistance with developing or expanding your program.
- The Quality Assurance (QA) Team is available to provide Sponsors with technical assistance and support to ensure that their program is not only compliant with the various state and federal laws, but that you also have the tools you need to deliver the highest quality program possible for your apprentices. Learn more about Quality Assurance and your apprenticeship program.
- The Access Team can connect you with recruitment partners, including Workforce Centers, who can help you recruit diverse and qualified talent, host virtual job fairs, post online job postings, and maximize skills-based hiring. Learn more about support your program can receive from the Access Team.
- Additional Resources for Sponsors
The following are optional services provided by the Apprenticeship Colorado team that Sponsors can take advantage of.
Training and Technical Assistance:
Subscribe to receive That’s a RAP!: A monthly digital newsletter on Registered Apprenticeship training and announcements in Colorado
Training and Technical Assistance opportunities offered by Apprenticeship Colorado and our partners
Outreach and Supports for Under-represented Career seekers:
Connect to our EEO Partners for support in hiring diverse career seekers
Staff Support to Sign Up for the Eligible Training Provider List
Connection to the Office of Veterans Education and Training and Other Veterans Resources