Resources to help Sponsors of Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) in Colorado prepare for review with Apprenticeship Colorado.
- What is an Apprenticeship Program Review?
Apprenticeship Colorado, also known as the Colorado State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA), conducts Apprenticeship Program Reviews (APRs) for all Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAP) in Colorado. Reviews include an assessment of all aspects of a RAP’s performance.
- Why am I being reviewed?
The State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) is required to conduct a periodic Apprenticeship Program Review (APR) of all Sponsors and their Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) to ensure that programs are operating in conformity with their approved program Standards, Colorado State Apprenticeship Agency Rules 7 CCR 1108-1 (Rule), and all other relevant state and federal regulations.
- What will be reviewed?
The SAA conducts reviews to assess if apprentices are receiving:
- On-the-job training
- Scheduled wage increases consistent with the registered Standards
- Related instruction through appropriate curriculum and delivery systems
- Equal opportunity in apprentices’ selection, placement, evaluation, advancement, training opportunities, completion, and other conditions of the program
Reviews also include the review of Sponsor requirements such as:
- Affirmative Action Requirements for Sponsors that are required to have an Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) or have chosen to have an AAP.
- Assessment if the SAA is receiving notification of all new registrations, cancellations, and completions as required in Colorado State Apprenticeship Agency Rules 7 CCR 1108-1.
- When should I expect a program review?
- A Provisional Review one year after registration or after the completion of their first apprentice to gain Permanent Status
- If successful, every 5 years thereafter
- Additional reviews may be scheduled if the Sponsor is subject to a complaint or shows a pattern of noncompliance.
- How do I prepare for a review?
- To ensure RAP Sponsors are informed of the content assessed during a review, a checklist for each component of the review is provided below.
- Review the resource Maintenance and Retention of Records: Records Reviewed During Program Review. Each RAP Sponsor must have access to or maintain the records listed in this resource. These records must be maintained for 5 years from the date of the making of the record or the personnel action involved, whichever occurs later, and must be made available upon request to the SAA or other authorized representati
- What happens as a result of a review if issues are identified?
Where the SAA determines that the Sponsor is not operating its RAP in accordance with their approved program Standards, Colorado State Apprenticeship Agency Rules 7 CCR 1108-1, and all other relevant state and federal regulations, the SAA notifies the Sponsor in writing of the specific issues identified.
- Corrective Actions & Sponsor Technical Assistance - The Sponsor may be required to complete action items intended to resolve the issue and will be provided the technical assistance needed to resolve the issues.
- Suspension of the Sponsor’s right to register new apprentices - The SAA Director can make a determination to suspend the Sponsor’s right to register new apprentices. The Sponsor must take actions and work with Apprenticeship Colorado to enact a compliance action plan.
- Involuntary Sponsor Deregistration - If the Sponsor fails to implement a compliance action plan to correct the specific violations, the SAA may institute proceedings to deregister the program in accordance with proceedings set forth in Rule.