Check out a variety of training and resources developed by Apprenticeship Colorado and our partners below to help Sponsors, employers, and partners implement high-quality Registered Apprenticeship Programs.
- Training from Apprenticeship Colorado
Training Format Target Audience Intent How to Register Cadence Monthly Apprenticeship Expansion Call Webinar Partners that work with career seekers and employers To provide information, highlight promising practices, and facilitate relationships among partners operating in the apprenticeship system in Colorado. Register for the Expansion Call
Passcode: apprentice
4th Monday of the month from 9 - 10 am MST RAP 101: Program Development & Registration Orientation Webinar Potential Sponsors interested in exploring Registered Apprenticeship Orientations for potential Sponsors interested in learning more about registering a Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) in Colorado. During this time you'll learn about the key components of a RAP, your role and responsibilities as a Sponsor, and the wide range of services Apprenticeship Colorado offers to help you develop, register, and launch your RAP. 1st Tuesday of the month at 3 PM MST and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9 AM MST Sponsor Orientation Webinar New & Existing RAP Sponsors The session will provide a detailed overview of basic requirements and information about other resources to support Sponsors registered with Apprenticeship Colorado. Please note that orientation is open to existing Sponsors and is required for new Sponsors. 2nd Monday of the month from 2- 3:30 pm MST RAPIDS 101 Webinar New & Existing RAP Sponsors & Program Partners The session will offer Sponsors a walkthrough of RAPIDS and cover some of the most important requirements Sponsors need to know. Register for RAPIDS 101 First Thursday or the month from 11-12:30 PM In the Know Newsletter Partners that work with career seekers Monthly newsletter for organizations that work with career seekers on resources, updates, and opportunities related to apprenticeship. Last day of the month That's a RAP! Newsletter Current and prospective Sponsors, Employers, Related Instruction Providers, and Apprenticeship Intermediaries
Monthly newsletter for RAP sponsors and employers on apprenticeship resources, updates, and opportunities related to program development. 1st Thursday of the month - Apprenticeship Documents
The Standards are the foundational documentation that outlines the requirements, expectations, and outcomes of a Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP). The Standards include:
Colorado Boilerplate Standards (Non-Collective Bargaining Agreement) OR
Colorado Boilerplate Standards (Collective Bargaining Agreement)
We encourage potential and current Sponsors that need to revise or complete these documents as a part of the program development process to reach out to the Apprenticeship Colorado team for one-on-one assistance.
- Resources for Sponsors & Employers
- The Apprenticeship Sponsor Reference Guide is the go-to resource to help RAP Sponsors and their partners implement Program Standards. The Guide also includes information on outreach, hiring, program administration, and other tools to support your program's success. Visit the Sponsor page on Managing Your Program to learn more!
- The RAPIDS Overview Video is a great resource that provides Sponsors with an overview of the Registered Apprenticeship Data Information System (RAPIDS). Sponsors will become familiar with the components of RAPIDS and how to navigate within the system.
- The Quarterly Sponsor Snapshot Newsletters are the need-to-know information for Sponsors from Apprenticeship Colorado on program requirements, services offered by Apprenticeship Colorado, and more. Check out previous editions here:
- Resources for Program Development
- Interested in seeing what a Registered Apprenticeship on-the-job learning and related instruction outline looks like? Review sample Work Processes from Colorado Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) in a variety of different industries to increase your knowledge of RAPs.
- The Council of State Governments is pleased to announce the launch of the Public Sector Apprenticeship Toolkit, a newly published resource serving as a comprehensive guide for state and local government leaders and human resources professionals to effectively develop, launch and sustain registered apprenticeship programs to fill public sector talent shortages.
- That’s A RAP! is a monthly newsletter for potential employers, Sponsors, and all who are interested in learning more about Registered Apprenticeship and developing a program.
- Resources for Career Service Professionals
- The Apprenticeship Directory Desk Aid is a resource for professionals and partners who work with career seekers and students by providing guidance on how to use the Colorado Registered Apprenticeship Program Directory.
- The Guide to Apprenticeships for Partners is the go-to resource to provide guidance on registered apprenticeship for our valued partners who work with career seekers. Partners should use this guide to understand registered apprenticeship and how to connect career seekers to Apprenticeship opportunities.
- WorkforceGPS is a USDOL-funded resource offering an Apprenticeship Community with events, community resources, training and more. Whether you’re working with businesses looking to hire, train, or retain a skilled workforce; or people looking for a career, Registered Apprenticeship can help. We hope you use this community to find tools and resources to help you grow apprenticeship opportunities.
- Resources for Equal Employment Opportunity in Apprenticeships
- USDOL Resources from the Office of Apprenticeship for sponsors including EEO Regulations, Anti-Harassment Training, and more. (Webpages under construction)
- Job Accommodation Network (JAN) offers free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues.
- The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission maintains a Small Business Resource Center to help you find answers to common questions about your responsibilities under the federal employment discrimination laws.
- The Rocky Mountain ADA Center provides information, guidance, and training on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) tailored to meet the needs of organizations in Colorado.
- Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) offers information and resources to help employers recruit, hire, retain, and advance people with disabilities.
- Colorado Civil Rights Division enforces the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA) and complaints process.
- The Inclusive Apprenticeships Resource Guide developed by the Attainment Network in partnership with Emily Griffith Technical College developed a comprehensive toolkit that guides employers in creating inclusive apprenticeship programs. This toolkit is structured around six essential design elements and provides a practical approach to continuous improvement and organizational change.