New & Emerging Industries Apprenticeship Tax Credit
Program Summary
The New & Emerging Industries Apprenticeship Tax Credit was created by HB24-1439 Financial Incentives Expand Apprenticeship Programs to encourage the adoption and expansion of Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the New & Emerging Industries. The Tax Credit is a refundable tax credit that employers of Registered Apprenticeship Programs in Colorado can claim for apprentices in "New & Emerging" occupations.
- The Reservation Application for the New & Emerging Industries Apprenticeship Tax Credit is now available!
- Read the Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) to learn more about the eligibility and how to prepare.
- Questions about the Tax Credit can be sent directly to
- The Apprenticeship Tax Credit Rules 7 CCR 1108-2 became effective on January 14, 2025. Learn more about the rulemaking process by visiting the Legislation & Policy webpage.
Type: Refundable Tax Credit
For: Employers participating in Registered Apprenticeship Programs in Colorado
Amount Per Employer: Max $12,600 per apprentice per income tax year. Qualifying taxpayers can claim up to ten apprentices per year for a maximum tax credit of $126,000.
Total Available Amount: $15 million per year through 2034
Application: Application to reserve Tax Credit is now available!
Organizations that are eligible for the tax credits must meet all of the following criteria:
- Be a qualified taxpayer doing business in Colorado
- Employ one or more apprentices in a Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) for at least six months in a tax year
- Apprentices must work a minimum of 1,040 hours during the tax year to be claimed for the Tax Credit
- Employ apprentices in a “New and Emerging” occupation based on the Program’s occupational classification
- Be listed on the Colorado Registered Apprenticeship Programs Directory. If you cannot find your program, please complete an Apprenticeship Directory Update Form
If you are an Employer Partner of a multi-employer RAP, please work with your RAP Sponsor to complete these three steps:
- Verify you have a signed Employer Agreement with your Sponsor
- Verify your Sponsor has entered your company as an Employer in RAPIDS and uploaded a copy of your Employer Agreement
- Ensure all of your active apprentices are registered in RAPIDS
If you are a RAP Sponsor who also employs apprentices, please complete the following steps:
- Ensure all of your apprentices are enrolled in RAPIDS
- Ensure your program is listed on the Colorado Registered Apprenticeship Programs Directory. If you cannot find your program, please complete an Apprenticeship Directory Update Form.
For technical assistance related to RAPIDS, please reach out to
Read our Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) for more information on how to prepare to apply.
The process will include two applications which both must be submitted to and approved by Apprenticeship Colorado.
The first application (Reservation Application) is for taxpayers to reserve the amount of credit they believe they will qualify for that tax year. The application to reserve the Tax Credit is now available. Sponsors can complete this application on behalf of their employer partners.
Apprenticeship Colorado will notify you via email if your Reservation Application has been approved and the amount of credit that has been reserved.
The second application (Certificate Application) will be for taxpayers to receive the Income Tax Credit Certificate and will require supporting documentation from the employer to verify they have satisfied the requirements for the tax credit. Taxpayers must complete the first application and be approved prior to submitting the second application. This application will be available in July 2025.
Upon approval of the Certificate Application, you will receive an Income Tax Credit Certificate from Apprenticeship Colorado prior to the filing deadline for the tax year. You will then file the Income Tax Credit Certificate with your regular business taxes, claiming the amount of credit that was included in the certificate and attaching a copy of the Income Tax Credit Certificate.
Taxpayers must complete the first application and be approved prior to submitting the second application.
Apprenticeship Colorado hosted a Webinar on How to Complete the Reservation Application for the Apprenticeship Tax Credit on February 26, 2025. This webinar was intended for employers and Sponsors of Registered Apprenticeship Programs with occupations in the new & emerging industries to learn more about how to complete the Reservation Application.
Apprenticeship Colorado hosted a Questions and Answers Webinar on the New & Emerging Industries Apprenticeship Tax Credit on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024. This webinar was intended for employers and Sponsors of Registered Apprenticeship Programs with occupations in the new & emerging industries to learn more about how to apply for the Tax Credit in the upcoming tax year.
View the Slides from the Q&A Webinar
Other Tax Credits and Incentives
The state of Colorado offers other tax credits and incentives related to apprenticeship. Note that Apprenticeship Colorado does not administer these tax credits or incentives which can be viewed on our Funding Opportunities Page.
Start a Registered Apprenticeship Program
Organizations interested in developing a Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) or connecting to an existing RAP email to be connected with a Program Development Specialist. Please indicate in your email your interest in utilizing tax credits.