
Overview of Quality Pre-Apprenticeship

A pre-apprenticeship program is a training model designed to assist individuals who may not currently have the minimum requirements to enter into a Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP). Quality pre-apprenticeship programs also have one or more documented partnerships with RAPs.

Pre-apprenticeship involves a form of structured workplace education and training in which an employer, employer group, industry association, labor union, community-based organization, or educational institution work together to provide instruction that will provide participants with the competencies, skills, and materials used in one or more apprenticeable occupations.

Pre-apprenticeship programs are designed to prepare participants to successfully enter and complete a RAP.

Benefits of Pre-apprenticeship

  • Quality pre-apprenticeships with a focus on outreach to underrepresented and underserved groups can aid RAPs in meeting the EEO requirements of a Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP).
  • Quality pre-apprenticeship programs play a major role in removing barriers to entering and being successful in a RAP.
  • RAPs that establish and cultivate close-working relationships with pre-apprenticeship programs often find that such partnerships are effective in reducing barriers to entry often faced by underrepresented populations.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pre-Apprenticeship

Who determines what is a quality pre-apprenticeship?

The Quality framework for pre-apprenticeship is outlined by the United States Department of Labor in Training and Employment Notice (TEN) 23-23.

What is the quality framework for pre-apprenticeship?

The quality framework in TEN 23-23 involves five basic elements:

  1. Partnership with RAP sponsors
    1. Quality pre-apprenticeship programs should be designed and delivered, with input from at least one RAP sponsor. Pre-apprenticeships need to prepare individuals to meet the entry requirements for one or more RAPs and occupations.
  2. Sustainability through partnerships
    1. Quality pre-apprenticeship programs establish partnerships with various entities to promote the use of RAPs as a preferred means for employers to develop a skilled workforce and to create career opportunities and pathways for individuals.  These partnerships may include the public workforce system, apprenticeship intermediaries, educational institutions, community-based organizations, and more.
  3. Meaningful training combined with hands-on experience replicating a workplace that does not displace paid employees
    1. Quality pre-apprenticeships provide hands-on training to individuals in a workplace or workplace environment to allow them to develop the skills necessary to enter a RAP.  Ideally, Pre-apprenticeship programs can provide opportunities to obtain an industry-recognized credential.
  4. Access to career and supportive services
    1. Quality pre-apprenticeship programs provide or facilitate access to career and supportive services during the program.  This may continue once the pre-apprentice has entered a RAP.   Supportive services may be provided directly by the pre-apprenticeship program or through partnerships with entities such as schools, workforce centers, community-based organizations, and more.
  5. Strategies that increase Registered Apprenticeship opportunities for underrepresented or underserved populations facing significant barriers to employment in the Registered Apprenticeship labor force
    1. Pre-apprenticeship is a tool for increasing diversity and inclusion in Registered Apprenticeship.  The services and instruction in preapprenticeship should provide individuals from underrepresented or underserved populations to have the tools to enter and succeed in a RAP.
What kinds of organizations provide pre-apprenticeships?

There are a wide variety of organizations that provide Pre-apprenticeship programs.  These organizations may include community colleges, community-based organizations, employers and RAP sponsors, and more.

Is there a certification or approval process for pre-apprenticeships operating in Colorado?

There is currently no certification or approval process for pre-apprenticeship programs operating in Colorado.  Apprenticeship Colorado refers to the Quality Pre-apprenticeship definition in Training and Employment Notice (TEN) 23-23.  In order for Pre-apprenticeship programs to access federal funds they must meet the quality definition.

I am a RAP Sponsor, why would I want to partner with a pre-apprenticeship program?

There are a lot of benefits for RAP sponsors to develop and partner with pre-apprenticeship programs.  Partnering with a pre-apprenticeship program can help increase diversity and help your RAP meet EEO requirements.  Additionally, it can help create a pipeline of talent that your program needs to be successful.

How do pre-apprenticeship programs partner with Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs)?

Pre-apprenticeship programs work directly with RAP sponsors as a pipeline for talent to place ready and qualified candidates into Registered Apprenticeship Programs.  Pre-apprenticeship Programs may partner with one or multiple sponsors and may feed into one or multiple occupations.  

It’s important for Pre-apprenticeship programs to work closely with RAP sponsors throughout the process to ensure the individuals will be successful once they enter the Registered Apprenticeship Program.  Upon completion of the Pre-apprenticeship programs, individuals should be prepared to enter and be successful in the Registered Apprenticeship Program.

Take the Quality Pre-Apprenticeships Self-Assessment