Maddy Oakes headshot

Maddy Oaks

Education Alignment Specialist

Prior to her current role as the Education Alignment Specialist at Apprenticeship Colorado, Maddy served as a Program Coordinator at the Colorado Department of Education (CDE), where she worked to improve grant strategies and support adult education and literacy programs under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Maddy began her career with the state of Colorado working as a Healthcare Credential Pathways Coordinator at the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE), where she coordinated the development of stackable credential pathways in healthcare by collaborating with industry and education partners across the state. Before transitioning to state-level work, Maddy worked as an occupational therapist for six years in several healthcare settings across Colorado and her home state of Alabama. She holds a Master of Science degree in Occupational Therapy from The University of Alabama at Birmingham and Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Dance from The University of Alabama. Maddy also recently earned a Certified Group Fitness Instructor credential and teaches classes at her local gym.