About the Colorado Workforce System
Each local workforce area is guided by a workforce development board. Authorized by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) in 2014, workforce development boards serve as strategic conveners to promote aligned relationships between business representatives, local government, economic development, education, and workforce partners to engage in and implement talent development solutions tailored to meet the needs of businesses and job seekers as part of an integrated workforce development system.
Colorado’s Workforce Centers Map
Click on the map below or type in the City or Workforce Center name into the "Search" field to view more details on a specific Workforce Center location.
The Colorado Apprenticeship Hub: Support for Sponsors & Employers
The Colorado Apprenticeship Hub
The Apprenticeship Hub is a collaboration between the statewide workforce center system and Apprenticeship Colorado at the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment. Sponsors and employers can work with Apprenticeship Consultants from the Apprenticeship Hub to get connected with their local workforce center for services.
Apprenticeship Navigators
Apprenticeship Navigators: Sponsors and employers can connect their apprentices to supports or other workforce funding by working with an Apprenticeship Navigator at your local workforce center.
- Adams County
Noelle Glasser
Contact: nglasser@adcogov.org
- Arapahoe/Douglas County
Aracely Escalante
Contact: aescalante@arapahoegov.com
- Boulder County
Sophia Stephens
Contact: sstephens@bouldercounty.org
- Colorado Workforce Consortium
- Denver County
James Roina
Contact: james.roina@denvergov.org
Bret Walker
Contact: bret.walker@denvergov.org
- El Paso/Teller Counties
Orathai Corey
Contact: OrathaiCorey@elpasoco.com
- Jefferson, Clear Creek, & Gilpin Counties
Stephanie Betancourt
Contact: sbetanco@co.jefferson.co.us
- Larimer County
Andrew Minor
Contact: aminor@larimer.org
- Mesa County
Karen Sightler
Contact: karen.sightler@mesacounty.us
- Weld County
Jessica Norris
Contact: jnorris@weld.gov
Apprenticeship Consultants
Apprenticeship Consultants: Sponsors can reach out to the Apprenticeship Consultant in their local area to get connected with their local workforce center for services and receive a qualified referral for employer partners to become a Sponsor or join an existing program.
- Arapahoe/Douglas, Adams, Jefferson
Kat Plaza
Contact: kplaza@arapahoegov.com
- Broomfield, Boulder, Larimer, Weld, Eastern Sub
Nancy Murray
Contact: nmurray@arapahoegov.com
- Denver
Casey Coghlan
Contact: ccoghlan@arapahoegov.com
- Mesa, Northwest Sub, Western Sub, Rural Resort Sub
Contact: BRosenberg@arapahoegov.com
- El Paso, Pueblo, Southwest Sub, South Central Sub, Upper Arkansas Sub, Southeast Sub
Carter Hill
Contact: chill@arapahoegov.com
Additional Workforce Resources for Sponsors to Support Apprentices and Employers
- Recruitment and Hiring Support
The local workforce system and other community partners support sponsors in reaching new and diverse potential apprentices. Apprenticeship Colorado can help you connect with the local partners to access services that can assist with posting jobs on statewide job boards, promoting opportunities, recruiting diverse job seekers, and organizing apprenticeship fairs to attract potential apprentices.
- Workforce Funding
Funding is available through a wide variety of programs issued through the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, the Colorado Workforce Development Council, and local governments. Funding may be based on apprentice or employer eligibility. Visit our Funding Opportunities page for more information on some of these funding through your local workforce center.
- The Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL)
The Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) identifies training providers whose performance qualifies them to receive Workforce funds to train youth, and adults. By having your program listed on the ETPL, your apprentices might be able to access workforce funding to help pay for the costs of their related instruction and visibility of your program will increase.
Local area staff may update their Navigator contacts by emailing the Apprenticeship Hub: apprenticeship@arapahoegov.com